Digital Asset Governance
Training and field manuals on the discovery, possession, and safe custody of digital assets for your employees. Such as:
- Digital wallet identification, including step-by-step tutorials for all major platforms.
- Documenting wallet addresses and transactions.
- Discovering hard-to-find assets.
- Designing a cryptocurrency test lab, including setting up online and well as off-line wallets. Establishing a trusted blockchain explorer list.
- Recommendations for private key vaulting solutions or interacting with third-party custodians.
- Field Agent’s Guide to Digital Asset Seizure and Documentation.
- Understanding blockchains, transactions and confirmations.
- Digital Assets Forensic Analysis, UTXOs and transaction manipulation for purposes of obfuscation, as well as, assembling unrelated transactions.
- Off-line solutions for signing transactions in an air-gapped environment.
- Reading the Blockchain, a deep dive into the blockchain, transaction assembly, transactions in memory, resolving failed or stalled transactions, and much more.
- Asset Transfer Planning, developing asset transfer strategies, to prevent monitoring or disruption from third parties and subjects of investigations.
- Security By Obscurity, a planning guide for avoiding surveillance detection, re-directing your crypto transactions to obscure the ultimate destination address. Address consolidation, UTXO management, transaction fee management, block-assembly strategies and more.